Transport and electric vehicles dominates the COP26 in Paris  

COP26 or the 26th conference of Paris to UNFCCC or United Nations Framework Convention For Climate Change then concluded with the cities, several nations, financial institutions, automobile companies and the other vital stakeholders which are signing the COP26 Declaration on the transport.

Transport was a main agenda on COP26’s 10th day and it is not surprising that this is a sector which contributes to whopping 25% of the global GHG emissions with a rise in the percentage.

This is a declaration which is to ensure the sector which maintains the 1.5-degree threshold. Aim ultimately here is to speed the smooth transition to the electric vehicles as they phase out the sale of the vehicles which are fossil fuel based by 2040. The leading automobile nations are setting up a steep target to do so by the year 2035.

Also read : Rental Industry to boost electric vehicles in United States (

Entire system of transport has been struggling with the structural issues like the traffic congestion, commute affordability and adequate infrastructure availability among the other issues. It does not mean that electrification of whole fleet is going to drastically change the pollution- related issues. The transition towards the e-mobility is among the many elements of the larger systematic change required for enabling a climate-friendly, sustainable, resilient ecosystem of transport.

With all the technological know-how available in the world today, the speeding up of transition from the ICE to zero-emission or EVs is among the necessary steps for substantially reduce the pollution while creating the job opportunities.

Sustainable transport is offering the transportation facilities while achieving the environmental objectives for mitigation of pollution. What brightens up this picture is that these maybe provided at a lower cost, making this a lot more affordable mode of transport for the poorer households.

Public transport is the choice of the commute in different cities across a country, making a major portion of the monthly spending.

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