Electric Vehicles have existed for more than a century.

Electric vehicles are widely perceived to be a phenomenon which has recently grown but it is a story which starts many years before the onset of the superpower of electric vehicles which is Tesla. William Morrison who is believed to be the eccentric chemist had been working on an electric carriage long before the 1900s and he did it in his secret basement which he called Cave. The vehicle may not be a competitor to the kind of technological advancement we currently have but it was certainly an inspiration for many a scientist who has been researching on bringing the carbon footprint of the country down. Electric cars history suggests in 1900s were a golden period for the EVs as over one third of the vehicles which were built were electric ones. The problem then however was the slow speed of the vehicle and the heavy batteries and the mass-produced Model T of Ford which had been dealing serious haymakers to the industry of electric vehicles.

Also read : EV World News – Get into the world of Electric Vehicles

Ford was the pioneer of creating petrol powered vehicles and making them affordable for the buyers. The US had a better infrastructure than most other economies and the growth of Texas Crude oil gave rise to some of the biggest innovations of the country in terms of vehicles. Rural Americans found it easy to get to petrol and found it really cheap as well.

The growth has been based on the electric vehicle need due to the carbon neutral need as the climate change has taken place with environment taking a battering due to the petrol based carbon emissions. Electric vehicles are offering a hope to grow the countries towards a carbon neutral future which could be more sustainable than the one that we are currently looking at. The growth is expected to further take place with investment by the governments.

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