Electric Vehicles’ Demand Not Up To Expectations

Debate between Battery electric vehicles and hybrid electric vehicles still going on.

In the previous decade the mismatch in the expectations of electric vehicles and the realities of the market has never been more if the experts are to be believed.

In the year 2010, the CEO of Nissan, Carlos Ghosn had proclaimed that by the year 2020, 10 % of the vehicles in the world are going to be electric. This was the time when the automobile giant had introduced their electric vehicle Nissan Leaf EV. The car is still on sale till the date even after the career of Ghosn is in the ruins as he is awaiting a trial in Japan on financial malfeasance charges.

In reality, the market globally for the plug-in vehicles which includes the electric vehicles which are run on battery and the gas-electric hybrids is at about 2% as 2020 is less than two months away.

Image Credits: Forbes

A decade is a time which can be termed as being more than enough for the development of a market for a new kind of vehicle. This is been the case many a times whether it was the transformation from muscle cars to the sedans to even minivans. The growth in the sales of Electric Vehicles has been so weak as compared to the expectations that it is being seen as a clear indication of people not wanting these cars fundamentally.

USA which is considered to be the most competitive market has also seen that people do not want the hybrid cars. There is demand for SUVs as well as pickups. This is a trend which is good for the carmakers as they have high profitability, the very purpose of creation of electric vehicles which is climate change is being defeated currently with people not embracing electric cars.

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